Monday, February 16, 2009

What's your favorite Home Remedy?

I am a member of some really great yahoo groups. One of which is Natural Moms group. This is a place where moms can help each other out with anything natural. The other day I was asking advise on how to treat a sick baby at home. I got some wonderful responses back.

This got me thinking that maybe other moms would like to share their favorite home remedies. I would really like to know what other moms do at home to take care of their families.

I'll try to start the ball roll'n....
-My mom brought me up on Tissue Salts, they are totally homoeopathic and don't have any side affects that I know of [I would know because when I was little I would eat the whole bottle. I think this maybe one of the reasons I never get sick.].
-And I highly recommend Teething Tablets which are vary similar. When you are at the end of your rope at 2 o'clock in the morning, thinking your baby is never going to settle down and go to sleep, Teething Tablets work like a charm every time.

Ok so there's my secret weapons. I'd love to see what great knowledge the rest of you ladies have to share. Haben

1 comment:

amber said...

You won't need a remedy if you don't get sick to begin with. I focus on prevention by making it a point to stock up on antioxidants. I drink at least three mugs of green tea a day, eat blueberries or blackberries several times a week and drink pomegranate juice. Kids may not enjoy the tart drinks but they should love the berries.

Some kids are picky eaters (especially my neices and nephews) but they can still enjoy vitamin fruits and veggies. And their parents can avoid catching and passing along colds by eating antioxidant rich foods.